The only problem I really see with this song is the mix and master. The SFX in the beginning were too loud. The ruble in one sample's bass overpowered the bass in the part directly after it. Speaking of that part, the sub is played too high on some notes. It started to sound like a sine wave rather than a sub. Then the pluck bass comes, and it overpowers the rest of the song. There are too many irregular volume changes in that part. I don't know if that's due to the master, a sidechain or actual automation, but something about it doesn't feel right. The drop also has a sidechain, which is too heavy. This may be a matter of taste, but I think it surpresses the other instruments. A lighter kick and louder/clearer lead is what this drop needs. Apart from the mix, I think the drums are quite plain, and almost generic. Also the drop is quite repetitive.
So... how do you fix the mix? One thing that is quite obvious is using less reverb. Too much reverb kills a mix. I liked the reverb, but a bit less is ok as well. Put some synths in the background. All synths are pretty much in front. Try using some leveling or even stereo imaging for that. EQ your SFX. Make then fit into your mix! Apart from that, I think the real mix issue lies in the mids. Make space for the synths you want to be relatively present in there.
Master: track is really loud all the time. Give your listeners' ears some rest and make the intro and breakdown at least a bit more quiet. Also, if the weird volume changes are a master artefact, then don't squeeze your pre mix into your compressor.
Apart from al the critique, I have to say that the progression is pretty solid, and the synths are of great quality as well. I liked that off note in the melody. It felt odd, but interesting. However, as I said earlier. This style starts to become really generic. It's like House with the standard 4 bar kick, snare build up and pydra snare fills.
I would have tried to add a catchy bassline and hi hats and cymbals, just to make the drums a bit more interesting to listen to. But that's more my taste. I hope I didn't make a fool of myself. I'm not hating, just reviewing. Trying to make the R4R great again :P